Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Washington State Court
“The purposes of the organization are to participate in the religious, charitable and educational apostolates of the Church. Catholic Daughters engage in creative and spiritual programs which provide it's members with the opportunity to develop their God-given talents in meaningful ways that positively influence the welfare of the Church and all people throughout the world. Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.”
Dear CDA sisters!
I hope you are enjoying this spring time weather! Mother’s Day was beautiful. May God bless all you Mothers and let us remember our Patron Mother Mary too! We are so thankful for her YES to God, may she continue to intercede for us to the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit. Since we’re in the month of May, all our courts should be voting on their officers. THANK YOU to all that said YES to the call to leadership. WE NEED YOU to continue the good works of Catholic Daughters. Being an officer can be challenging & greatly rewarding; personally, as an officer, I have made some great friends from all over our state, country and Puerto Rico! Note: please make sure your Financial Secretary completes the new Officer Form and sends a copy to National, your state secretary, Erlinda Signo-Warren, and me.
Along those lines, the State Officers and our State Chaplain invite all members, especially our newly elected court officers to come to the Officer Training/Retreat that will be held in Pasco, July 11-14 at the Red Lion Inn. Please find the registration form in this newsletter and a separate mailing will go out. Note: there is an option to attend just the Friday retreat! Come join us if you can. We’ll have a “Fun Night” on
Friday and have negotiated a special rate of $118/per night at the hotel which includes a hot breakfast!
Please share this incredible opportunity with your court members. The retreat and training for all the newly elected officers (and anyone else interested in learning more about leadership in CDA) will be in Pasco at the Red Lion Hotel July 13-14, 2024. The State Board will be sending the retreat and training registration form to all Local Court Regents in the spring.
NOTE! Instructions for Booking rooms in Pasco for our workshop!
Enter Check-in and Check-out dates.
Enter the PROMO Code: CATH0711, Select your room, Proceed to check-out.
To book by Phone,
1. Call 509-547-0701 ext. 0
2. Ask to make a reservation at the Pasco Red Lion
3. Let them know you are with a group on July 11th, 2024 – Catholic Daughters of the Americas Leadership Workshop
4. Give them the group block code CATH0711
5. Complete individual reservation with agent.
Please keep in mind that the cut-off date to book a room is 6/20/24.
Later this summer in August, the State Board will be representing you at the National Convention in New Orleans. Registration is still open and details can be found in the newsletter. We already have a few delegates coming from a few of our local courts too! A BIG THANK
YOU to the courts that gave so generously towards our State Chaplain’s expenses to attend.
I hope to see you this summer, if not please invite me to a meeting or an event that your court will be hosting.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
60th Biennial National Convention
August 14 - 18, 2024 New Orleans, Louisiana
Convention Information:
Go to CDA website at for all information regarding:
● Invitation from the Louisiana Board
● Hotel and Reservation Information
● Fun Night, Tours of Louisiana, Restaurants and More
● Convention Program Booklet Ads
As plans are made for our 60th Biennial National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, we are offering a place for you to send your messages of appreciation, your greetings, and messages of congratulation to those attending the National Convention. Please consider purchasing an ad in the Convention Program Booklet. Not only will you be able to send your messages of support, but you will also have a wonderful convention memory long after the convention closes. To purchase and create an ad, follow all instructions and download the template from the CDA website at, and email it to: Proceeds from the 2024 Convention Program Booklet ads will help further our charitable programs and help alleviate the cost of the convention. Our sincere appreciation goes out to each of you for your support of this project.
The deadline for the ad copy is June 1, 2024.
See you in New Orleans,
Susan Moné, Convention Program Chairman
From the Desk of Our State Chaplain.
Dear Catholic Daughters,
In our liturgical calendars, the Season of Easter is coming to a close and we will begin
the Ordinary Time of the year. We end the Easter Season with Jesus Christ's Ascension
into heaven where he sits with His Father at the right hand ruling the universe and our
lives. We will have experienced the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost which Jesus assured us would be
our Advocate, guide and helper throughout our lives. So, leaving Easter behind we move into Ordinary Time
where we attempt to live our faith life in conformity with Jesus Christ. It does not sound like a very exciting
time with regular routines, uneventful moments or dramatic happenings. Yet, Ordinary time is when we get to
put our commitment to Christ to work and demonstrate how we want to carry on the ministry of Jesus which
he left us at his Ascension. Armed with Christ's presence and graces and guided by the Holy Spirit, we will
have opportunities and challenges to test us and help us fulfill Christ's work. That is extraordinary in itself!
Jesus using me and you as His agent, an instrument to bring his message to the world, to my community, to
our families! But it will be in the ordinary, routine times that wonderful things will happen. Look how Jesus saw
the people who came to him were hungry. He took a couple loaves of bread and some fish and had a potluck
with food to spare. Think of the woman who was afflicted with a disease for many years. She thought to
herself if I can just touch the hem of his garment, I can be healed. She was. Look at Zacchaeus! He climbed a
tree just to see Jesus and found he had a conversion moment and a special guest for dinner. Remember how
the disciples fished all night and caught nothing yet Jesus told them to cast their net one more time. What did
they get?
We may be living in ordinary time but what and how might Jesus use the routine, ordinary things we do to
bring about blessings, moments of grace and wonders into our lives. Let us use this time to discover how
Jesus will do this for us.
God's blessings to each of you
Fr. Michael J. Ibach
I hope you are enjoying this spring time weather! Mother’s Day was beautiful. May God bless all you Mothers and let us remember our Patron Mother Mary too! We are so thankful for her YES to God, may she continue to intercede for us to the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit. Since we’re in the month of May, all our courts should be voting on their officers. THANK YOU to all that said YES to the call to leadership. WE NEED YOU to continue the good works of Catholic Daughters. Being an officer can be challenging & greatly rewarding; personally, as an officer, I have made some great friends from all over our state, country and Puerto Rico! Note: please make sure your Financial Secretary completes the new Officer Form and sends a copy to National, your state secretary, Erlinda Signo-Warren, and me.
Along those lines, the State Officers and our State Chaplain invite all members, especially our newly elected court officers to come to the Officer Training/Retreat that will be held in Pasco, July 11-14 at the Red Lion Inn. Please find the registration form in this newsletter and a separate mailing will go out. Note: there is an option to attend just the Friday retreat! Come join us if you can. We’ll have a “Fun Night” on
Friday and have negotiated a special rate of $118/per night at the hotel which includes a hot breakfast!
Please share this incredible opportunity with your court members. The retreat and training for all the newly elected officers (and anyone else interested in learning more about leadership in CDA) will be in Pasco at the Red Lion Hotel July 13-14, 2024. The State Board will be sending the retreat and training registration form to all Local Court Regents in the spring.
NOTE! Instructions for Booking rooms in Pasco for our workshop!
Enter Check-in and Check-out dates.
Enter the PROMO Code: CATH0711, Select your room, Proceed to check-out.
To book by Phone,
1. Call 509-547-0701 ext. 0
2. Ask to make a reservation at the Pasco Red Lion
3. Let them know you are with a group on July 11th, 2024 – Catholic Daughters of the Americas Leadership Workshop
4. Give them the group block code CATH0711
5. Complete individual reservation with agent.
Please keep in mind that the cut-off date to book a room is 6/20/24.
Later this summer in August, the State Board will be representing you at the National Convention in New Orleans. Registration is still open and details can be found in the newsletter. We already have a few delegates coming from a few of our local courts too! A BIG THANK
YOU to the courts that gave so generously towards our State Chaplain’s expenses to attend.
I hope to see you this summer, if not please invite me to a meeting or an event that your court will be hosting.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
60th Biennial National Convention
August 14 - 18, 2024 New Orleans, Louisiana
Convention Information:
Go to CDA website at for all information regarding:
● Invitation from the Louisiana Board
● Hotel and Reservation Information
● Fun Night, Tours of Louisiana, Restaurants and More
● Convention Program Booklet Ads
As plans are made for our 60th Biennial National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, we are offering a place for you to send your messages of appreciation, your greetings, and messages of congratulation to those attending the National Convention. Please consider purchasing an ad in the Convention Program Booklet. Not only will you be able to send your messages of support, but you will also have a wonderful convention memory long after the convention closes. To purchase and create an ad, follow all instructions and download the template from the CDA website at, and email it to: Proceeds from the 2024 Convention Program Booklet ads will help further our charitable programs and help alleviate the cost of the convention. Our sincere appreciation goes out to each of you for your support of this project.
The deadline for the ad copy is June 1, 2024.
See you in New Orleans,
Susan Moné, Convention Program Chairman
From the Desk of Our State Chaplain.
Dear Catholic Daughters,
In our liturgical calendars, the Season of Easter is coming to a close and we will begin
the Ordinary Time of the year. We end the Easter Season with Jesus Christ's Ascension
into heaven where he sits with His Father at the right hand ruling the universe and our
lives. We will have experienced the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost which Jesus assured us would be
our Advocate, guide and helper throughout our lives. So, leaving Easter behind we move into Ordinary Time
where we attempt to live our faith life in conformity with Jesus Christ. It does not sound like a very exciting
time with regular routines, uneventful moments or dramatic happenings. Yet, Ordinary time is when we get to
put our commitment to Christ to work and demonstrate how we want to carry on the ministry of Jesus which
he left us at his Ascension. Armed with Christ's presence and graces and guided by the Holy Spirit, we will
have opportunities and challenges to test us and help us fulfill Christ's work. That is extraordinary in itself!
Jesus using me and you as His agent, an instrument to bring his message to the world, to my community, to
our families! But it will be in the ordinary, routine times that wonderful things will happen. Look how Jesus saw
the people who came to him were hungry. He took a couple loaves of bread and some fish and had a potluck
with food to spare. Think of the woman who was afflicted with a disease for many years. She thought to
herself if I can just touch the hem of his garment, I can be healed. She was. Look at Zacchaeus! He climbed a
tree just to see Jesus and found he had a conversion moment and a special guest for dinner. Remember how
the disciples fished all night and caught nothing yet Jesus told them to cast their net one more time. What did
they get?
We may be living in ordinary time but what and how might Jesus use the routine, ordinary things we do to
bring about blessings, moments of grace and wonders into our lives. Let us use this time to discover how
Jesus will do this for us.
God's blessings to each of you
Fr. Michael J. Ibach
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