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PROPOSITION 27 IS BEING PROMOTED BY OUT OF STATE GAMBLING CORPORATIONS. IT'S CERTAINLY POSSIBLE. >> I WOULD SAY OVERALL, THIS ONE IS TRUE. The ads in support of Prop 27 say it would help end homelessness by bringing more money into the state, whereas, the ads against the proposition say, if passed, Prop 27 would increase homelessness by allowing more people to be addicted to gambling. In fact, the lion's share of the money that has been raised on the no side of the Prop 27 campaign, tens of millions of dollars have been raised by other tribes. Hale's rating: Half trueMoylan: It certainly would allow for online sports gambling. Again, are there ways around these things? Yes. Casinos and sports betting companies are not running a charity. faux saint laurent bagfaux saint laurent bag
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PROPOSITION 27 IS BEING PROMOTED BY OUT OF STATE GAMBLING CORPORATIONS. IT'S CERTAINLY POSSIBLE. >> I WOULD SAY OVERALL, THIS ONE IS TRUE. The ads in support of Prop 27 say it would help end homelessness by bringing more money into the state, whereas, the ads against the proposition say, if passed, Prop 27 would increase homelessness by allowing more people to be addicted to gambling. In fact, the lion's share of the money that has been raised on the no side of the Prop 27 campaign, tens of millions of dollars have been raised by other tribes. Hale's rating: Half trueMoylan: It certainly would allow for online sports gambling. Again, are there ways around these things? Yes. Casinos and sports betting companies are not running a charity. faux saint laurent bagfaux saint laurent bag
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